Looking for a free car or rental to drive overseas? Here’s what you need to know

Finding free cars to drive overseas is relatively easy. You can visit any one of the hundreds of rental companies offering a relocation, drive away or stand by car. You can also check out one of the online relocation companies such as Transfercar who list free rentals on their website for multiple organisations.

However, just because it’s a free or incredibly cheap vehicle, this does not mean it is not bound by the regular rental terms and conditions.

For this reason it is important to know what to look for before you sign on any dotted lines. First things first though, make a list of all the questions you want to ask them, then: Continue reading Looking for a free car or rental to drive overseas? Here’s what you need to know

Stolen Vehicles and Getting Associates to Understand Their Responsibilities in Prevention

Learn how to get your staff to understand their responsibility in helping to prevent theft, and also get some quick tips on how to set your operations apart from local competitors.

Full article at Auto Rental News

For free cars and campervans that you don’t have to steal to get a free ride in check out our free relocation cars in Australia and our free relocation cars in New Zealand!

Gas or Break Quiz determins what vehicle to rent

Hertz has recently developed a quiz that helps drivers determine what kind of driver they are and therefore what vehicle they should be renting.

The “Gas” Traveler is supposedly aggressive, exciting and adventurous while the “Brake” Traveler is said to be conservative and more of a planner.

What type of driver are you?

Check out more articles about Hertz:

Hertz Makes $2.24 Billion Offer for Dollar Thrifty to Foil Avis

Hertz Launches New Branding Campaign

Hertz considering a green future

For more free cars and campervans check out Transfercar!

How to request your free standby relocation car or campervan with Transfercar

For all our new or prospective relocation drivers, here’s a little bit of info on how to request a standby car or campervan on transfercar .co.nz and transfercar.com.au.

Step 1: Register as a driver.

  • Remember to sign up for email alerts for specific routes you are looking for or just to hear what new vehicles are being listed daily.

Step 2: Log in to transfercar.com.au or transfercar.co.nz and look for the relocation car or campervan that suits your destination.

  • Be aware that the dates specified are the earliest and latest pick up and drop off dates  and you are given a certain amount of days between these dates to drive the vehicles.

Continue reading How to request your free standby relocation car or campervan with Transfercar

The eclipse of human behaviour

Slowely but surely ‘it’ is coming- and New Zealand won’t be far off I bet. From fingerprint identification that is. Your thumb -or any finger on your two lovely hands for that matter- will be your most precious asset when renting a car or campervan in the near future.

Yup, it looks like we have finally arrived in the era where your authorising signature -and with that your word-is not sufficient anymore. The dawn of a new age where a photocopy of your identification doesn’t do it anymore like it use to in the ’80’s and ’90’s is upon us. And what about the good old creditcard? Nope, you will be needing ‘the goods’: Your passport or driverslicense, you prettiest signature and your fingerprint in order to secure a rental vehicle in -for now- The Netherlands and England.

As it turns out, these overseas rental companies suffer substantual losses of around the €350.000 anually. Why? Because people apparently feel the need to thrash the rental car they are using or simply steal it to be never seen or heard of again. And despite the fact the offenders sign a rental agreement and have their passport or drivers license copied- they are untraceable when it counts. Particularly when they are overseas visitors. In England this annual ‘damage’ figure is, thanks to the introduction of the fingerprint identification system, slowely reducing. However, this number is still persistently on the rise in the Netherlands. And so ever since October this year, Schiphol Airport has joined the fingerprint identification-team as well. No thumb-no car in the Low Lands and the country of the famous stiff upper lip.

Will this fingerprint identification march for New Zealand?-perhaps. After all, rental cars get thrashed here as well-or conveniently pinched if that suits the ‘program’ of the traveller better. And that’s a shame. Because this globally spread human behaviour is truly an embarrassment and a quite unnecessary one at that. And with the current global economy an investment like this will be the last thing rental companies are waiting for. Especially since the tourism industry is already noticing a decline in tourists visiting the country.

So come on you rental car users, play nice, play fair-don’t thrash (or steal) your rental.

Toyota Prius proves a gas guzzler in a race with the BMW 520d

The Toyota Hybrid is hailed as an eco-paragon. It is a very responsible car and classified by the US government as the “most fuel-efficient car sold in the US” discover more  features about this car below.

Celebs like Cameron Diaz and Leonardo DiCaprio drive it. Not because it is a typical jet-set car, not because it is pretty or the flashest set of wheels around. No, you drive this car because you make a statement with this car: Your conscientious and aspiring a better way of life.

The New Zealand bound ‘green’ traveller rents a Hybrid. Because is the right car to rent when you’re environment friendly. It is the right car for your budget too. The rental companies confrim you’re doing -again- the right thing: “…fuel efficient Hybrid” “…eco friendly green car…” “…saving on fuel costs..” “…minimising the impact of car travel on the environment..”.

And with New Zealand’s green and clean image, surely you are not going to rent or buy anything other than nature’s friend, the Hybrid? And, if relocating rental cars, you sure as hell are not going to relocate any car but a Hybrid car. Right?

Right. So, bearing all this in mind, how would a responsible eco and budget friendly car like this fare against a big bad polluting BMW?

Let’s find out.

Last Sunday Top Gear screened on Prime. And in this episode the Top Gear Team drove a Toyota Prius and a BMW 3 series around the track. The outcome was…different.

In March this year two correspondents from the English newspaper The Sunday Times took the Toyota Prius and a BMW 520d for a spin. Not a lap around the track like in Top Gear, but an 877 k’s spin to Geneva.

The result is, to say the least, interesting.

Toyota Prius versus BMW 520d

The moral of the story? It’s not what you drive; it’s how you drive it. So, if I was that ‘green’ traveller looking for a responsable way of cruising New Zealand, I’d be renting (or relocating!) the biggest baddest BMW that I can get my hands on. That’s all-‘right’ for me.