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Category Archives: Accommodation

Scariest campsite ever!

Here I was looking at an article about the The Death Race (which is part of a circuit of obstacle-course competitions in the US, Canada and the UK known as Spartan Races), thinking, man what a bunch of sadistic people we humans are and also remembering the movie Death Race and Blade Runner and thinking how close we are getting to these movies…OK tangent now… when I saw a link that said “Scariest Campsite Ever!” I started to imagine campsites with crocodiles, bears or god forbid...Read More

Free (or dirt cheap) vehicle-accessible camping areas in New Zealand

Often Transfercar receives questions about where you can park your car or campervan overnight for free.   It’s fair enough we think, that if you already have a place to sleep in, you shouldn’t have to spend extra cash on accommodation, so we’ve found a website that that has the answers you seek: The Department of Conservation (DOC rocks!!) manages over 250 vehicle-accessible camping areas on conservation land. Although not all of them are free, many are and others are really cheap. But remember, you...Read More

A new landing pad for Spaceships and accommodation for wayward travellers

On the wake of the massive earthquake that hit Christchurch in recent weeks, many families and companies were forced to evacuate and abandon their premises, unable to return indefinitely. As business ground to a halt, accommodation has become a big issue as hotels and backpackers etc were also forced to close their doors. One of Transfercar’s valued partners, Spaceships Rental Campervans,  were one of the unfortunate rental companies to be hit hard and have now relocated to a new depot that they call...Read More