All posts by noel

Driving throughout the Land of the Long White Cloud

When you set foot on beautiful Aoteroa you probably have already made up your mind on how you are going to get you and your backpack around New Zealand. Some backpackers are very keen and pedal their way around the islands, other hitch-hike while some rent a car or motor home. Another option worth considering is a backpacker bus. A sort of magical mystery tour, taking you from one hotspot to another and in between designated stops you can drink, sleep and do…..stuff. Please bear in mind that these...Read More

Holidaying tragedies, Oprah and Me.

OK one of my many ‘privileges’ of working from home is watching Oprah during lunch most afternoon =) Just last week saw this very unfortunate and interesting episode of an unfortunate incident on a cruise liner, which made me want to share some very important tips In the case of any ‘unfortunate incident’ overseas, along with the thing u would normally do make sure you also 1. contact the local embassy of your country, this MUST be done along with contacting the local police 2. if its...Read More

Tourists losing favour for Domestic Airlines

“The June quarter report released yesterday shows international visitor satisfaction levels for scheduled domestic flights have dropped from a rating of 8.2 out of 10 in December 2006 to 7.7 in June.” Source: NZ Herald, Sept 1st 2008 Well, which is where and why Transfercar comes into the picture. And with us stepping up, with what we do – Mr & Mrs Domestic Airlines will have to do a lot better or NO ONES  going to fly!...Read More

NZ Herald OE photo competition

New Zealand Herald has got this brilliant ‘Kiwi OE photo’ competition, some brilliantly beautiful photos added from Kiwis all over the world everyday. Have a look at it here Was thinking what alternative ‘OE stands for’ I could come up with Overweight Englishman, Outsourcing Economy, Outlandish Exposure, Overturned Elephant, Organised Embossing, All great competitions I reckon! =) [ps – OE = Overseas...Read More

Do you judge a hotel by its Internet Security?

Well – very interesting article I came across in the Herald the other day. As per the story – a hacker hacked into a hotel server, left a data stealing trojan that gave him access to all the hotel customer data information!! The hotel in question (for logical reasons) has completely downsized the enormity of situation, saying “it only affected 10 customers”! Super dangerous dont you think? considering credit card details etc. All these stories convincing me to ration my credit card use...Read More