Email problems in the weekend

On Saturday our email sending service decided to disable our account. The reason was that someone had reported our emails as SPAM. The account was disabled immediately and without warning.

No emails from Transfercar last weekend
No emails from Transfercar last weekend

We didn’t see the email until Sunday after some of you called us about not receiving emails. And from there on it took another 18 hours before we were able to get hold of someone at and convinced them that we are not in the business of sending SPAM.

Transfercar practices a strict opt-in only policy and otherwise try to adhere to industry standards for good email ethics so we were very surprised that we were shut down without any prior warning.

Our web service Transfercar ( ) is a facilitator between the parties of drivers and rental car operators, and two thirds of all our business is conducted by emails through We serve 60% of the rental car industry in New Zealand and many of them rely solely on emails generated and sent out from us.

The email list that generates the most emails (about 85% of emails are notifications of new listings in our database sent out to drivers) is probably the one that some poeple would report as spam. The reason for this is the nature of the list, generating a new email for every new car listed. That means that on some days subscribers will receive as many as 30 emails. We warn users about this but still we see many complaints about it to our support system.

We have gone through our email templates today and added more information in them on why the recipient is receiving the email together with unsubscribe links. We hope that this this will remove any claims of spam in the future.

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